[26/August/2022] By Blood Alone Information & Giveaway
accidentally posted twice
Will the by blood alone copy come with the pre-order bonus?
Will the by blood alone copy come with the pre-order bonus?
As the copies will be handed out after By Blood Alone releases, I would assume that pre-order bonus will have stopped being given out, sorry.
Finally in the new expansion a complete focus tree of Italy with various paths to choose from such as remaining fascist by overthrowing Mussolini or becoming monarchist. The Ethiopian tree is very interesting to try too so I am looking forward to trying all the new content the expansion By blood alone has to offer.
Finally in the new expansion a complete focus tree of Italy with various paths to choose from such as remaining fascist by overthrowing Mussolini or becoming monarchist. The Ethiopian tree is very interesting to try too so I am looking forward to trying all the new content the expansion By blood alone has to offer.
Finally in the new expansion a complete focus tree of Italy with various paths to choose from such as remaining fascist by overthrowing Mussolini or becoming monarchist. The Ethiopian tree is very interesting to try too so I am looking forward to trying all the new content the expansion By blood alone has to offer.
Finally in the new expansion a complete focus tree of Italy with various paths to choose from such as remaining fascist by overthrowing Mussolini or becoming monarchist. The Ethiopian tree is very interesting to try too so I am looking forward to trying all the new content the expansion By blood alone has to offer.
Finally in the new expansion a complete focus tree of Italy with various paths to choose from such as remaining fascist by overthrowing Mussolini or becoming monarchist. The Ethiopian tree is very interesting to try too so I am looking forward to trying all the new content the expansion By blood alone has to offer.
I want to showcase my two most impressive games, their story and my thinking during the games.
The first one is a scandinavia game. I started as Norway and united scandinavia. In 1940 I got attacked by germany while at the same time being at war with Britain. I was able to hold the danish border by stacking divisions and building forts, and I also spammed naval bombers to destroy the british fleet in the north sea.
I wanted to paradrop into an island above the scottish highlands, and launch a naval invasion into Scottland from there, but my transport planes did not have enough range. Suddently, Germany started losing to the allies and the comintern, and I seized the oppurtunity to launch an attack. It was very successful, and Germany was crushed to pressure from all sides. I was now fighing the allies on the european mainland, taking the west coast, parts of Germany and the entirity of France. I also pushed deep into Italy, but had to evacuate my marines that invaded Italy to a defensive line in the alps as you can see in the picture. In the end I was able to capitulate Britain, and I stopped playing.
The second one is a Poland game where I restored habsburg Poland. I unified with Checkoslovakia and hastly contructed forts at my borders. I allied Norway, Sweden and Finland in the Habsburg Alliance. It took me several attempts to hold against Germany and the USSR at the same time, but finally I pushed into Germany after a bloody frontline war, and capitulated them, creating a puppet in western Germany. The Eastern Front was barely holding, but with the western reinforcement arriving, it was not long before I capitulated them, creating a truly great Habsburg Pact and Habsburg Poland.