{"choose_gfx":"Choose GFX","custom_gfx":"Custom GFX","default_gfx":"Default GFX","search_gfx":"Search GFX","upload_custom_gfx":"Choose New Custom GFX","submit_gfx":"Upload GFX","delete_title":"Are you sure you want to delete this?","delete_text":"Once deleted the data is no longer able to be recovered.","delete_confirm":"Yes, delete!","delete_cancel":"Cancel","import_title":"Import","import_instruction":"Add files stated below, and press the \"Import Now\" button below to import the files to your mod.","import_now":"Import Now","import_focus":{"focus_tree":"Focus Tree File","focus_tree_help":"For a base-game focus tree, you can find the focus tree in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\common\\national_focus<\/small> based on default install location for Steam","localisation":"Localisation File","localisation_help":"For a base-game focus tree, you can find the localisation file in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\localisation<\/small>. The file will be focus_l_[language of the mod].yml, for a non-DLC focus tree, or prefixed with the DLC for a DLC tree, e.g. lar_focus_l_english.yml for a La Resistance focus tree, in English."},"import_ideas":{"ideas":"Ideas File","ideas_help":"For a base-game ideas file, you can find it in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\common\\ideas<\/small> based on default install location for Steam","localisation":"Localisation File","localisation_help":"For a base-game ideas file, you can find the localisation file in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\localisation<\/small>. The file will be ideas_l_[language of the mod].yml, for non-DLC ideas, or prefixed with the DLC for ones added via DLC, e.g. lar_ideas_l_english.yml for La Resistance ideas, in English."},"builder_title":"Builder","builder_description":"Press the \"+\" button to add a new item to the output. If the item added is a scope, and is still incomplete a new \"+\" button will appear inside. Once you have finished building your output, press the \"Submit\" button.","builder_submit":"Submit","builder_cancel":"Cancel","builder_search":"Search outcomes","bug_report":{"title":"Report a bug","page_info":"Page info","additional_files":"Additional files","bug_title":"Short description of the bug","bug_description":"Long description of the bug","report_bug":"Report Bug","close":{"title":"Cancel bug report","description":"Discard text and cancel making bug report","confirm":"Confirm","cancel":"I'm not done!"}},"import_country":{"history":"Country History File","history_help":"For a base-game country, you can find the file at: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\history\\countries<\/small> based on default install location for Steam","localisation":"Localisation File (optional)","localisation_help":"All localisation files associated with the country; countries_l_[country].yml along with any which contain descriptions for the leaders of the nation","units":"Units Files (optional)","units_help":"All land units files you wish to import","common":"Country Common File (optional)","common_help":"For a base-game country, you can find the file at: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\common\\countries<\/small> based on default install location for Steam"},"import_events":{"events":"Events File","events_help":"For a base-game decision file, you can find it in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\decisions<\/small> based on default install location for Steam","localisation":"Localisation File","localisation_help":"For a base-game ideas file, you can find the localisation file in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\localisation<\/small>. The file will be events_l_[language of the mod].yml, for non-DLC ideas, or prefixed with the DLC for ones added via DLC, e.g. lar_events_l_english.yml for La Resistance events, in English."},"import_decision":{"decision":"Decision File","decision_help":"For a base-game events file, you can find it in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\events<\/small> based on default install location for Steam","localisation":"Localisation File","localisation_help":"For a base-game ideas file, you can find the localisation file in: <small>C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Hearts of Iron IV\\localisation<\/small>. The file will be decisions_l_[language of the mod].yml, for non-DLC ideas, or prefixed with the DLC for ones added via DLC, e.g. lar_decisions_l_english.yml for La Resistance events, in English."}}