is there a way to make account private and or set mods to be private
i like the old design better
When I open the 'Traits' menu, it doesn't show any trait.
When you download the map, there should be a divisions category. Click on it an make a template then you can assign divisions to certain pronvinces.
I added you
I could help with bugfixing ideas etc and support the mod. What's your discord username?
There's this bug that doesn't let you select the vanilla start dates (1936, 1939), so I don't think you can add it to the website normally.
Usually, when creating a start date you can select the minor and major nations to appear in the start date country menu, but that only applies to new ones, not the vanilla ones.
I only know basic modding, so I don't know how to modify start dates outside of this website. But i'm sure there's a tutorial or in the paradox modding wiki, or reddit.
(Last review)I finished the industrial part and went down the communist part of the focus tree.
Overall, 7/10 because the focus tree seems limited and small for a mod like this.
I'm glad to hear it's unfinished because this can be a great mod if you decide to continue it and put love and care into it.
I beat spain and currently is going on to attack france with the axis, join the Comintern and shatter the Axis.
Fun play!
Alright. I played and reviewed the mod.
General minor fixes:Add Monstibin to "Minor nations" at the start date. It's a minor change, just so players can find your country easily instead of having to search a bit.Add more description to focus. Your focus is usually 1 sentence with no period.
Don't use "!" at the end of focus. Considering many of your other focuses and every focus tree in base vanilla game ends without punctuation, it doesn't feel right.
Add focuses for cores.
Optional changes:If you have some modding experience, go into the focus tree for Monstibin and the focuses that revolve spy agencies and only allow them if they have the DLC required for it.
Maybe add more depth to the "Greater than ever before!" Branch? Why would a democratic nation want to invade Spain or France without any justification?
Why can we get justifications for our neighbors in 2 focuses? Maybe make it so that it unlocks decisions to let you, or even so expand that particular part of the branch.
That was before-game review. My next review below will be once I do a playthrough of the mod.
Sorry, I accidently hit "Post Reply" a bit too many times.