Decisions wont export properly

Hello, I'm just curious whether this bug happens due to this website's export issues or the hoi4 itself has some sort of break down. So anyway the issue I have is that I export my decision mod turn on the decision mod in the launcher and most of my decisions are literally broken. Like for example I add a decision that lets say when you enact that decision it gives an idea that gives you construction buff, but then when I hover over the decision to see what it adds, it just say something like "." or "(insert generic advisor name here"). and it doesn't give you that construction idea either. Any ideas? Help would be appreciated.

some thigs aren't supported on this website.

some thigs aren't supported on this website.


 Wdm, it's just happened recently, before this, it worked totally fine....

i don't know the script so it also could be just a spelling mistake.


i don't know the script so it also could be just a spelling mistake.


i don't know the script so it also could be just a spelling mistake.



 That might be an issue but I didn't edited the mod's files when I exported it