Custom Map Making

Im talking about custom Maps that we could insert to be used. My mod takes place on another planet with a paint landmass and i cant actually finish the mod without it. maybe you can do something like how we can insert custom flags, and have the program either recognize either the lines we put on it or have us draw it in. i feel like it would present a Massive amount of cool and exciting ideas.

here's the map of my mod with the countries

You need more files like the color or terrain map, without them the map won't work, and a map creator is in plans but it will be released next year.

You need to wait or download this shit program called Mapgen 2 and pray watch some tutorials:

 i actually do have a Terrain map. Do you know when the Custom map stuff will be released? like, a year from now or a year like somewhere in 2022?

I don't know